
Macedonian food

Balkans, Food, Macedonia   /  
  • Le Polneti Piperki est un plat de poivrons farcis avec de la viande ou du fromage.

  • Cheese in oven avec le fromage local, le sirenje : à tomber !

  • Le Tavce-gravce, un plat de beans dans un pot en terre cuite

  • Cheeseburger: de la viande grillée avec du fromage à l'intérieur

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In addition to the many specialties of the Balkans, there are also some typical dishes in Macedonia, including many dishes in terracotta pots and lots of cheese !

What to eat absolutely Macedonia ?

  • The tavče-gravče, which is really THE national specialty, a dish of beans in a terracotta pot with a tomato sauce.
  • The best dish we had, if you like cheese like us, is “cheese in oven”… with local sirenje cheese which is absolutely to die for ! We ate it in a bar/restaurant just across the lake, on the beach Gradiste, near Ohrid, known for its young crowd and music. And we had the chance to see the beach and eat our cheese with a beautiful sunset ! One of the best moment of our trip :-)
  • There is a lot of grilled meat, kebab style. To eat the best grilled meats, visit the Goce Delcev in Ohrid, but avoid Neim restaurant which is recommended in the Lonely Planet, prefer the opposite restaurant (according to our hostel’s owner).
  • Polneti Piperki are peppers stuffed with meat or cheese.
  • A burger with cheese inside.

Trout are also a specialty, we can find it in a lot of places, but it is quite expensive.


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