

  • Le pont de Mostar

  • Vue du pont

  • Kravice Lake

  • Pont de Mostar

  • Mostar porte encore les marques de la guerre

  • Mostar

  • Centre-ville côté croate de nuit

  • Pont de Mostar de nuit

  • Mostar le soir tombé

  • L'Hostel Majdas

  • Plate Nationale, Sadrvan restaurant

  • Plate Nationale, Sadrvan restaurant

  • Mix d'entrées bosniaques au restaurant Hindin Han

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Mostar is a small town in Bosnia and Herzegovina known for its,Ottoman style Old Bridge (Stari Most) between the Muslim and Croatian part of the city. It is not only gorgeous but also very rich in history, because of its ethnic diversity, as Croatian, Muslim and Serbian people share the city and used to fight for it. This is the city that has suffered the most from bombing during the war, and you still can see the traces of this bloody war. You can easily combine a visit of Mostar with visiting the Kravice lake, breathtaking waterfalls where you can swim without problems (unlike the Plitvice Lakes, in Croatia, which are nevertheless the most impressive).

Budget in Mostar

Prices are cheap (40 € per day is enough to have fun). Conversion with the local currency, the Convertible Mark (KM) is very easy since 1 € = 2.10KM. So just divide by two !

Where to stay in Mostar? Hostel Majdas without hesitation !

One thing is for sure: you must stay at Majdas Hostel, close to the train station . All backpackers are unanimous: this is the warmest and cosiest hostel in the Balkans, you really feel like home. The owner Majdas, a Bosnian, is very caring and prepares a Bosnian breakfast daily.

His brother, a little crazy but very funny, organizes tours of the region once every two days especially for backpackers from the hostel. The tour costs 25€ and is full of surprises, it takes you to the Kravice lakes, the medieval village Pocitelj or the holy Blagaj.

The only bad point about this hostel is that, after midnight, there is no question of making noise, it is not a party hostel. Nevertheless, it is so easy to meet people and if you want to party, you will surely end up in one of the local pubs around.

How many days stay in Mostar?

We recommend that you stay at least two days : one day for a walk in the city (it can be visited in a few hours), do some shopping , relax in the hostel , etc.  And one day to visit the Kravice lake and around Mostar with the tour organized by the hostel, which is a MUST! All backpackers say only good things about it (we have not been able to do it unfortunately).

What to visit in Mostar?

  • Stari Most, the Old Bridge, originally built by the Turkish in the 16th century but destroyed during the war and rebuilt in 1993 and inaugurated in 2004 only. It is not only the symbol of the city but it offers a postcard spectacle. It is classified by UNESCO. Observe the many locals who collect money to jump off the bridge (21m high), to the delight of tourists, once they could get 25 € in their pocket. If you want to jump off the bridge, you need to pay 25 € and rent a combination in Mostar Diving Club, because the river water is very cold (12C).
  • Visit the Bridge Museum, next to the bridge, which is actually a bookstore and is open for free to the public. Here you will find information on the history of the bridge and an interesting short movie.
  • Walking around the Old Bridge, the Old Town, and enter in the many art, crafts and oriental tourist souvenir shops. We can notice the influence of the Ottoman Empire with all the Turkish bazaars.
  • Enter the court of the Mosque. You can enjoy a beautiful view of the bridge by climbing the minaret of the Mosque (but it costs 2.5 €) .
  • You can also visit the photo exhibition for a few euros, which displays beautiful photos taken by a New Zealand guy during the war. It is located on the top floor of a building right next to the bridge.
  • Deviate from the tourist center to not rebuilt districts, which are still in the post-war state. It is an experience that can not be ignored. Go on the sniper building (between the streets Kneza Domagoja and Kralja Zvornimira), today covered by tags but still bears the scars of war, including many bullets holes. Climb to the top to enjoy a superb view of the entire city. Avoid drunk bums who try to approach you to beg, we had a bad experience with one of them.
  • Take a trip to the Kravice waterfalls, 25m high, with absolutely beautiful clear water where you can swim (even if the water is cold , it’s worth it to get wet !) Admission is free and more ! To get there, choose the tour organized by the Majdas Hostel, or another tour, or even a taxi (about 40 €), because to go there yourself it is very complicated. It is very hard to find for a tourist. Beside the lake, you will find everything you need to spend the day : Picnic era, coffee shop, a small beach, etc.
  • Shopping ! You will find some excellent quality shoes merchants (Tamaris…) on street Mladena Balorde and Brace Fejica. There is also a large shopping center with a cinema.

Where to eat in Mostar?

To get a good idea of Bosnian specialties, start by taking a mix of typical dishes for 21 € (“Plate Nationale“) to share with someone else,  in Sadrvan restaurant, close to the bridge. Well, okay, it’s very touristy, with waiters dressed in traditional clothes, but it is actually not much more expensive than elsewhere, and it will allow you to taste all the best-known specialties.

Here are the specialties that can be found in the tray :

  • japraks, meat and rice wrapped in grape leaves
  • dolmas, onions stuffed with meat
  • cevapcici, the typical grilled Balkan meat
  • Bosnian cookies
  • duvec, a kind of ratatouille
  • potato
  • rice
  • sour cream

We also recommend you:

  • The chainRota” to eat cevapi, you will find several in the city.
  • Delicious bureks with yoghurt sauce, called Buredeici from the Palma restaurant, street Alekse Santica.
  • the Hindin Han Restaurant (Jusovina) for its typical Bosnian entries. This is good and not too expensive.

Nightlife in Mostar

There are a few pubs, including the Coco Loco, near the snipers building. The music is not too strong and the beer is cheap, which allows you to chat around a good beer and a few shots of rakja.

There is apparently a nightclub but it is only open from Thursday to Saturday.

Road to Sarajevo

Do not forget to take the amazing road to Sarajevo by train, along the Neretva and crossing the mountains ! It costs only 11KM (5 €) and lasts 3 hours. There is trains twice a day at 7:55 am or 18:30. It is cheaper than the bus, but a little longer.


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