
Spice up your trip thanks to your smartphone

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Whether to book a night in a hostel at the last minute, locate a nearby restaurant, get information about a work of art in a museum or simply let people know about places you visit, the high-tech backpacker can’t survive without his smartphone while traveling. Many applications and games have also emerged in recent years … a nice way to spice up the trip even more :-) Here are some apps to download before your departure.


Foursquare is a free application using social networks such as Facebook and Twitter and the principle of geolocation. It allows you to tell your friends where you find the moment (coffee, restaurant, city, …), which allows you to collect points and badges. Thus, the more places you visit, the more points and badges you collect. The app also allows you to comment on the site to give your opinions and advice, which benefits everyone else. In addition, some retailers offer special discounts if you check-in at their place (eg, a free coffee, a discount, happy hour …). Just like check-ins on Facebook, you can add a status and a photo and publish it all on your Facebook or Twitter wall.

You can also use Foursquare to find out if there are Recommended places nearby and check the tips and advice from other users. This can be quite useful to choose a good restaurant on vacation.


Geocaching allows visitors with a smartphone to search for a hidden treasure with puzzles and geographic coordinates. Once you discover the cache, the adventurer can exchange the found object against another of the same value he brought. There are already 1.5 million caches worldwide.


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