Our tips to choose your backpack
The backpack is both the best friend and the worst enemy of a Backpacker. It’s an investment not to be taken lightly as it will accompany the Backpackeur throughout his journey! It must be practical (so that you don’t have to spend two hours to find your pajamas) and not to traumatize your back which will already be strained.
Which backpack should you buy?
At Decathlon, sellers can advise you based on your needs. We are very satisfied with the Karrimor brand.
A practical model is a model with a backpack and a small bag (to take for a day trip, for example). The small bag hangs on the big bag (thanks to a big zipper). It is also convenient for taking the plane, because we only take what we need for the flight in the small bag and at the landing, you can attach it to the big bag. Better is also a bag with a hood for rain! This really is ideal for not having all your stuff soaked!
In general you need around 60L to 70L for women and men. These are already big bags to take for at least a week (if, like us, you usually take too much on your trips).
Good idea: buy badges
If you intend to travel in many countries, this is an opportunity to start a collection of flags you can buy in souvenir stores as a badge to sew onto the backpack, or pin. You see, it looks great and the other backpackers are sure to be impressed by your collection
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