
Travel packing list : a checklist of what to pack

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It is not always easy to think of everything when preparing your backpack for a trip. We always forget something. To forget nothing, here’s a checklist and tips.

Checklist of things to take with you while traveling:

  • Identity papers and airline ticket: it is advised to make a photocopy of your passport or identity card to keep out of your wallet. So, if you lose one of them, you will get back on your feet. A good tip is to send by email all that is important, so if you are flying or if you lose your ticket, for example, you can always find a cyber cafe to reprint the ticket!
  • Do not forget your student card if you are still student ! It will allow you to get discounts at museums and other attractions!
  • Check with you bank before leaving if you can withdraw money with your card in the country you are going to. It happened to us that we couldn’t withdraw any money while in Guatemala last year, so be careful !
  • Remember to take the local currency. If you take a lot of money with you, put them in a pocket well hidden that you keep with you conveniently. You’ll find pickpockets in any country. If you don’t take the local currency, take at least dollars or euros so that you can exchange them on arrival in the case you can’t withdraw money.
  • Print the confirmations of your booked hostels, which often indicate the route to get there. It is sometimes convenient.
  • A tourist guide.  Lonely Planet is the best friend of the backpacker. You can also make your own guide through the information gleaned from the net ( from this website for example ;-) !
  • To make your sandwiches: a knife, plastic plates, towels and aluminum foil are useful. Also take a small spoon yogurt, and cups!
  • Your electronics and chargers (GSM, camera, MP3, laptop).
  • Take a padlock when you travel in hostels, so that you can put your stuff safe in a locker.
  • Pyjamas.
  • Underwear, clothing, bathing.
  • Sunscreen and after-sun.
  • Small first-aid kit (plasters, disinfectant, anti-pain …)
  • K-way.
  • Shoes and flip-flops.
  • Bath and beach towels.
  • Sunglasses.
  • Complimentary toiletries: toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, shower gel, deodorant, sanitary napkins, product for lenses if necessary, makeup and cleansing creams, perfume …
  • A small bag for girls who want to go out!
  • Addresses of your friends if you want to send postcards.
  • Handkerchiefs, always handy!
  • A travel diary and a pen if you are a literary soul.
  • Plug adapters are sometimes necessary (look by country).
  • A bag for dirty laundry.


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