
Herceg Novi

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Herceg Novi is a small town which is worth it if it is on your route. It can be visited in a few hours (we had two hours to visit while waiting for our next bus from Kotor to Dubrovnik). We advise you to stop by to visit the city but not necessarily to spend the night as it is very small.

What to visit in Herceg-Novi?

Stroll through the old town, there is a pretty tower, a fortress (but you have to pay) and a nice dock along the sea.

Where to eat while waiting for the bus at Herceg-Novi?

Near the bus station, there is a small snack “KOD MENE” with local specialties for cheap. Go on the left of the kiosk/bookstore and take the small street. On your left you will see a small building with a couple of tables outside. You will find Cevapi for 3€ and Pinjena Pljeskavica for 3€ (hamburger with meat, cheese and ham inside, plus sour cream and vegetables).


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