

Serbia   /  
  • Vue sur le Danube

  • Une rue commerçante

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Belgrade is a perfect city to party, the ideal place to try the famous rakija! It is sometimes called the European capital of nightlife! But it is also a city where it is pleasant to stroll among the beautiful massive monuments, numerous cafes and shops, or along the Danube and Sava rivers. Some call it the “Little Paris“. You can tour the town in a day walking well, but to be comfortable, plan maybe two days.


The city is easily explored on foot, but you can also catch buses through its convenient network of public transport. Here are some unmissable places :

  • Stroll through the park and Kalemegdan Citadel and enjoy a sunset on the Danube, sitting on the walls of the fortress. It is a little rendezvous of all young lovers :-) Admission is free.
  • Go to Sveti Sava… It is the largest Orthodox church in the world apparently. You will not regret it , the building is beautiful.
  • Stroll through the city center, on the main shopping street Knez Mihailova Street , the Place de la République, etc.
  • For dining, there is a pretty bohemian pedestrian street, in the spirit of old Belgrade, with all the restaurants and cafes : Skadarska Street.


If you’re a party animal, choose a party hostel. We tested the Green Studio Hostel & Lounge (Karadordeva 61) for € 13 a night , which left us with good memories. A shot of rakija on arrival and staff members who will take you to the trendy parties on boats (= rafts). Do not go there on a Sunday evening, because the hostel was empty. The hostel is very well located , close to the train station and with easy access to the city center within walking distance (10-15 minutes).


This is an opportunity to party on a boat in the Sava river ! These boats are called “splav”. Some are restaurants but most are nightclubs. Admission is free and the drinks are really cheap ( less than 2€ for a cocktails and 1.50€ for a beer). The music is quite varied.


Serbian eat Balkan specialties. The prices are cheap compared to Western Europe (5 to 20 € for a main course ) but it will perhaps seem a little expensive if you come here after visiting the Balkans, as it was for us.

We ate in one of the many restaurants on Skadarska Street. You will find your happiness in the street if you want to taste the local specialties in a bohemian atmosphere.

You will also find many cheap local snacks downtown selling pizzas, sandwiches or pancakes.


You pay 250 dinar (2.28 € ) for a minibus or 10-15 € for the taxi. The hostel can also arrange a transfer for € 15 per person.

A question ? Other tips to add ?

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  1. Kayla /

    Next time you visit you can rent in belgrade. I think that short term rental apartments are the cheapest, of course depending on how long will you stay. I’ve booked though http://srbija-nekretnine.org/short-term-rentals and i strongly recommend them to you – good offer, good prices, and good locations.

  2. samuel gratid /

    Thank for your post.
    i m cooming this summer to belgrades. I will follow your recommandations.I

  3. samuel gratid /

    Thank you i will be in belgrade this summer

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