
Bulgarian cuisine and alcohol

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We advise you to eat local in Bulgaria, it’s very good! Bulgarian cuisine is influenced by Greece and Turkey. There are a lot of vegetables (tomatoes, peppers, cucumber) and cheese resembling feta (siren).

What to eat in Bulgaria?

Here are some Bulgarian specialties we tested and we recommend:

  • The kavarma : stewed pork or chicken, tomato, peppers, mushrooms, onions served in ceramic pots. It’s excellent !
  • Shopka salad : salad of cucumbers and tomatoes, covered with the siréné, the local cheese… you will eat it with every meal because it tastes sooo good !
  • Kiselo mlyako: yogurt with honey and walnuts
  • Tchouchki burek : stuffed pepper with cheese
  • Kyopolu : eggplant paté and peppers
  • Kashkaval pane: cooked and breaded cheese which can be served with lingonberry jam

Other specialties we tested:

  • Tarator : cold soup with yogurt and cucumber
  • Tchesnovo rliabtché cec cachekaval : garlic bread and cheese cachekaval = yellow
  • Kebaptcheta : lying minced meat dumpling

To avoid: Boza (a kind of thick milk but disgusting)

The ice creams are excellent and you buy it according to the weight! Attention, they are huge so do not get too many balls (a ball is like two).

Where to eat in Bulgaria?

A restaurant is written PECTOPAHT in Bulgarian. In large cities, do not worry, the menus are translated into English! Otherwise, consider taking with you the Cyrillic alphabet. Caution! Dishes ordered from the restaurant, whether it is a soup, a starter or a main course, will all come to your table almost at the same time.

Our favorite restaurant: HAPPY RESTAURANT GRILL is a chain of American-style grill but of Bulgarian origin. They are found in all major cities of the country, it is good and cheap. We find both the American style food (burgers, meat) and Bulgarian dishes. Their menus are in English and with some pictures! Very convenient to discover what lies behind all the dishes names written in Bulgarian.

If you like sushi, enjoy cheap and varied sushi at HAPPY SUSHI (Sofia). In addition, they are made right in front of you!

Bulgarian Alcohol

  • The Rakia: Bulgarian alcohol very strong with plum, grape or cherry!
  • La Menta is a liqueur with mint (which can be mixed with Sprit, but we didn’t know)
  • Avoid Mastika except for fans of pastis

Bulgarian pastries

The Bulgarians have a lot of pastries for the breakfast. We tasted a banitsa (cheese pastry).


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