

Sri Lanka   /  
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Hikkaduwa is a huge resort full of tourists (50% of tourists go there) who come to enjoy the sun, the beach and to party! Avoid it if you hate these tourists resorts but include it for at least one night into your program if you want to party CRAZY! There are not many other party places in Sri Lanka, except some kind of party life in Colombo and Unawatuna, where you can participate in beach party almost as crazy as in Thailand.


The government is trying to establish Hikkaduwa as a party destination and it succeeded. The city hosts the Hikka Fest, the largest Asian beach festival every summer since 2008.

We only tried the Mambo, the biggest club in the city, directly overlooking the beach. Try to be there on a Saturday! Atmosphere guaranteed, mainly house music and great choice of drinks! You will only find, however, a tourists population, as locals must pay an astronomical amount to get in – Rs 6000! (although it’s free for tourists).


Enjoy the beach and water sports: surfing, snorkeling, diving, boat rides, etc.


This is one of the only destinations in Sri Lanka where you can stay in a real youth hostel, run by a local lady old enough but full of kindness: the Hikka Train Hostel @ Surf Beach (No. 12, Amarasena Mawatha), right opposite the Hotel Lanka Paradise.


We ate at a Rotti restaurant, the Sri Lankan speciality ! The Rotti Restaurant on Galle Road! You will find there a huge menu of Rottis of all kinds, sweet or salty, and the prices are really cheap! The restaurant itself is not very interesting, and we even had a power outage during a storm, but the main thing is that food is excellent!

We also ate huge and delicious burgers in Nordic House Luxury Burger. The picture says it all…

burger hikkaduwa nordic house luxury


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