
Useful websites to plan your trip

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The magic of web 2.0 is that your predecessors have shared all their tips on the net. A great help, except that looking in this abundant content can quickly take you hours… So here is a selection of the best community websites or blogs.

About traveling destinations

  • Free worldwide travel guide Wikitravel is a community site with content created by users. It is really well done! With the English version, you will find lots of useful information on the city, including public transport.
  • Lonely Planet is an online travel guide and information. The website forum is not to be missed!
  • Tripadvisor is one of the reference sites in travel. Travelers give their opinion and advice on places / cities / restaurants / accommodation and the forum is very useful! Convenient and easy to compare prices.
  • Virtual Tourist is a collaborative website.
  • Easy Voyage is a very comprehensive site with a descriptive card for each country.

Travel forums to ask your questions

Tips for budget travelers

  • All good cheap tips in Europe are on the blog EuroCheapo budget travel tips.
  • The HostelBookers Blog can keep you informed of events planned around the world. The blog is filled with fun articles and tips for hostels.

Explore the city on video before traveling

Navigaia offers free travel videos discover unusual places around the world: virtual tour of monuments, museums, beaches …

Plan Your traveling route

  • Travellerspoint allows you to view your routes.
  • You plan to travel by hitch-hiking ? Here you will find advice about where to stand and where it is easy to do hitch-hiking:  Hitchwiki.org :-)
  • The InterRail site offers you the opportunity to consult each country tourist attractions very briefly. A good starting point for the various attractions of the country. And obviously you are informed about trains and lines inside the country.


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