
Tissamaharama & Yala National Park

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  • Paddy field on the road to Tissamaharama

  • Cows on the road to Tissamaharama

  • Elephant on the road to to Tissamaharama

  • Deers in Yala National Park

  • Birds in Yala National Park

  • Peacock in Yala National Park

  • Safari groups trying to spot a leopard

  • Yala National Park Beach

  • Chameleon in Yala National Park

  • Iguana in Yala National Park

  • Tissamaharama

  • Saraii Village in Tissamaharama

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Tissamaharama is the main city from where you can leave for a safari to Yala National Park, the most visited and second largest park in Sri Lanka. So we stayed there to be able to leave at dawn to the safari in the park hoping to meet some wild animals. Unfortunately, tourists are so many that the animals are less easy to come across… and do not even hope to see one of the famous 35 leopards living there! When a guide sees a leopard, it calls all the other  guides who drive the faster they can towards the leopard, but in the end we see them from so far that it’s just a small spot on the horizon. The only animals we saw are  birds, deer, buffalo, a chameleon, an iguana, elephants from a distance, and a bear from very far away. Those who have more luck sometimes intersect snakes.


Given the astronomical prices of these safaris, we would advise you to simply skip it, especially if you have a small budget. But do not completely skip the Yala National Park as you can see lots of animals just taking the road through Tissamaharama if you head south or north (the one going through the park, not the highway !). You can then, as we did, approach the elephants very closely! Bring bananas to attract elephants (or to make them go away if they stand in the way). We have not had time to do it, but we heard that going around the lake Tissa is a great way to  see a lot of what the Yala National Park has to offer, with less tourists and more authenticity! The cheap alternative for backpackers :-)

If you still want to do the Safari, it is generally advisable to arrive either early morning or late evening. Allow binoculars because the guides show you some of the animals from afar. Most guesthouses or hotels can arrange a safari for you. They usually leave at 5 am or at 14:30 and cost between Rs 4000 and 6000 for all the people that are on the Jeep, in addition to the entry ticket to the park which is Rs 3700 per person.

WHERE TO STAY in Tissamaharama?

We stayed in a tree house, a unique experience but expensive one … that is offered by the Saraii Village (Randunu Kele Watte, Weerawila). This is the most expensive accommodation we did during our trip (71 € / room), but we wanted to experience staying in a tree :-) Breakfast is included in the room rate, and they can pack it to take it during the safari. Unfortunately, we haven’t stayed there as much as we wished because we arrived very late and left very early for the safari, but the staff was absolutely wonderful. Restaurant prices were really expensive for our backpackers budget!


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