
Best routes in Australia

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Backapckers’ dream is to cross Australia… large spaces, deserted roads and red sand… It is a country which is visited primarily on the road. But which route to choose in this great country ? Here are routes that I recommend…


You must spend at least four days in Sydney to see the famous Opera House and Harbour Bridge, stroll through the Botanical Gardens , shop in George Street, sunbath on the famous beaches of Bondi and Manly, walk in old Rocks and Darling Harbour, spend a night of madness in the backpackers district (and prostitutes’s district) King Cross, and spend at least one day in the Blue Moutains. Sydney is the ideal place to begin the journey ! This is by far the most beautiful city in Australia and there is always something to do. The best time is between November and January (summer) for the climate and the festive atmosphere.

The east coast from Sydney to Cairns

This is one of the most popular routes from the East Coast because backpackers can cross the tropical Queensland and the hyppie town of Byron Bay, the legendary Surfers Paradise and the paradise of backpackers Fraser Island and the Whitsundays Islands. It also allows to pass through Brisbane and Cairns, which is really THE city of backpackers.

Perth and the West Coast

A real favorite ! Often forgotten by tourists, the west coast is yet the most beautiful but also the most isolated, which is part of its charm. You will find breathtaking deserted beaches, and you can take a walk through the nearby Outback. Perth is a charming city that boasts one of the world’s largest public parks. Fremantle is also a really nice city for backpackers.

Melbourne, Great Ocean Road and Adelaide

Many backpackers like Melbourne, nice city to live and work, very cultural. But it can be visited quite quickly and is not as pretty as her rival Sydney. It is the ideal starting point for a small trip along the coast of the Great Ocean Road, which takes you to the 12 Apostles, the rocks in the sea which offer the opportunity of beautiful pictures! You can even continue the journey until Adelaide, a beautiful city to visit (but most people say there’s really nothing to do there).


Uluru Ayers Rock

This is the second most photographed place in Australia. This huge red rock in the middle of the desert seems impressive. Unfortunately, I did not see it because it is very expensive to go there, as you will soon realize. But nobody has ever regretted…

Canberra and Darwin are often described as boring and people often discourage you to go there…

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