

Croatia   /  
  • L'église Sainte-Marie

  • Balade le long de la jetée

  • L'église Saint-Donat

  • Le cercle solaire, qui fait un jeu de lumière de nuit

  • Vue sur l'autre rive

  • Les jolies ruelles de Zadar

  • La porte de zadar

  • Vue sur mer

  • Balade sur la jetée

  • L'orgue de mer musicale

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The ancient city is smaller than Split but there is much to discover. The center is alive with its many cafes & restaurants. You can also enjoy the many shops in a beautiful setting in the city center (the main street that leads to the church of St. Donat and Cathedral of St. Anastasia).The city is built on a peninsula by 4 km long and 500 m wide, where it is pleasant to walk. Zadar has the chance to benefit from an exceptional environment. It is located in the heart of a region rich in natural wonders: forests, mountains, islands …

It is pleasant to explore on foot and get lost in the alleys of white cobblestones downtown, giving it a real historical character. You can visit the medieval churches and Roman and Venetian fortifications.
The city is also to be seen at night, it is really pretty! It has a special atmosphere with its lights, its fortifications, its churches and its magnificent cathedral.

How to get to Zadar?

Frequent buses from Zagreb (3h30 drive), Pula, Sibenik, Split and Dubrovnik. See the schedules on the website of the bus terminal.

Where to stay in Zadar?

Zadar has a few hostels (they were three when we went in 2010).

We were at the Youth Hostel Zadar. This is a big hostel quite far from the city center (5km). The night will cost you € 18 with breakfast.
To get there, prefer the bus (5 or 8) that put 10-15 minutes and run frequently. On foot you put a good 30 minutes to reach the center.
In front of the hostel, at 100m, there is a beautiful pebble beach with few people and the water is really a beautiful color.

Visit Zadar: What is to see?

plan de zadar

Go through the door located near the port of Foša. This fortified gate is decorated with an imposing statue of a lion. This is a charming little place, there is a beautiful walk along the sea!

Downtown on the square Sime Budinica, visit the Church of Saint Simeon, it contains a treasure trove … Take, then, the street Kotromanic. It leads you to the Narodni Square and its various monuments. You are at the center of public life in Zadar. This site seduces by its charm and its animation. You’ll want to stop by for a drink.

Two other landmarks of the city are the Church of St. Donat, which marks its originality. It is a daring but successful mixture between Roman ruins and Christian building. Nearby stands a superb masterpiece of Roman art in Croatia: the cathedral of  Saint Anastasie. And right next to it, you will not miss the Roman Forum where there is only ruins of columns left.

After visiting the center, you can take a ride on the ramparts which will offer a beautiful view of the city. If you are tired, there are charming small beaches east of the old town.

The list of things to do in Zadar:

  • Listen to the music from a sea instrument, unique in the world! The Sea Organ in Zadar works with swirls and waves which sing a different tune each day. It also forms a stairs down to the sea where you can lie down on the steps to soak up the sun!
  • Enjoy the sunset on the beach, it’s just a marvel! You can see mountains draw off.
  • Continue the tour in the evening by the solar circle near the sea organ This is a giant solar panel on the ground. During the day, it captures the sun and in the evening it lights up with different colors to provide a colorful spectacle.
  • Fall for an ice cream in the main street of the city center, they are beautifully decorated and the bowls are big enough.
  • Have a look at the outdoor market, it seems that Zadar is the biggest and best of the region. Many stalls offer fresh local produce: fruits, vegetables, fish, olive oil, cheese & rakija. It is open from 6 am to 1pm. The market for meat is covered on one side of the square, the fish market is the opposite (where it is colder inside the fortified walls of the city).

Did you know it?

  • The first book in the Croatian language was written in Zadar.
  • The city hosts the oldest university in Croatia.

Interesting websites to learn more about Zadar


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