
Novalja and Pag island

Croatia   /  
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We were on Pag island and Novalja for his particularly festive reputation (it’s even called the “Croatian Ibiza“) but we were disappointed to learn that the party starts early July and ends around September 10. We arrived on September 12th! Before or after it is completely dead!

The nightlife in Novalja (Pag island)

The clubs are opened from mid-June, but it was only in July and August that the atmosphere is full swing.  On September 12th, only one small bar was open, and it was super expensive.
Otherwise it is said that during the holidays in July and August “Novalja is THE number one destination in Croatia to party“. In July-August 7000 young people come to party every day from 4pm to 6am in one of three beach bars: Aquarius, Papaya and Kalypso “(source wikipedia).
So remember to check before leaving for not having the same surprise as us!

Where to stay in Novalja (Pag island)?

There were no hostels at the time we went so we rented an apartment on the internet in a small residence. But there is a campsite (camping Straško) pretty neat according to french people we met on our way.

To have a rest, you can go on the famous beach Zrce, but there is not much else to see. Novalja is a small village, Zrce beach is 2km from the village and is accessible by bus every 30 minutes.

Landscapes to access the beach are absolutely beautiful but the ride is rather long from Zadar because it is small roads.

Useful sites about Novalja (island of pag)

More information on the website of the Tourist Office of the city of Novalja www.tz-novalja.hr or www.novalja.com. 


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  1. Bruno Marconi /

    While the main attraction of the Pag island is Zrce beach, there are lots of little hidden coves and beaches, that are truly worth visiting. Some of the roads to the beaches might not be on the google maps, but just take the first turn off the main road and you will be surprised by what you see.

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