

Sri Lanka   /  
  • View from the Fort in Galle

  • View from the Fort in Galle

  • View from the Fort in Galle

  • Beach in Galle

  • Jewellery shop

  • Hindi Temple

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Galle is a must in Sri Lanka for its magnificent Dutch fort and its European-style. Being one of the UNESCO World Heritage Site, the city inside the fort is clean, quiet and well maintained, and seems to be loved by foreigners, with its many jewelry shops, lovely cafés and restaurants.


We have skipped the temples (after two weeks, you get a bit tired of temples) but we walked through the Old Town and along the walls of the Fort. On the Fort, locals offer to make a dangerous leap into the water between rocks, for a few rupees (alone of course, not with you).

If you are interested in gems, this is where you will find all the jewelry to make your purchase. It is however very difficult to know if we get ripped or not.

What to eat in GALLE?

We have tested the Indian Hut near the Fort, just to change a bit from Sri Lankan food. It’s really cheap, but we were a bit sick the next day… Hard to tell if it’s from there or not.


We stayed in the only hostel registered on Hostel World at that time (January 2014): Galle Paradise Hostel, run by a Sri Lankan lady but a bit outside the old town (9/1 Bope Cross Road, Hums Road, Mahamodara).

While walking in the old town, we found two other brand new hostels run by Westerners, that were much better located, modern and seemed to be more happening:


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