

Sri Lanka   /  
  • View from Dambulla temple

  • View from Dambulla temple

  • Dambulla temple

  • Dambulla temple

  • View from Dambulla temple at sunset

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The Temple of Dambulla is a must if you love Buddhas (the temple is composed of five large caves which are filled with Buddha statues, risk of overdose!) but it’s also worth it for its numerous monkeys, its horribly kitsch entrance gate or its magnificent view once you reach the top.

Visit the temple of Dambulla in practice

The Temple of Dambulla is visited in a few hours, and you can easily stop on the road from Sigiriya to Kandy.  There are regular buses that stop in front of the entrance of the Dambulla temple and go to Kandy (Rs 100-190). If you come from Sigiriya, you can try to ask the bus driver to stop at the temple, otherwise it goes to the bus station and then you will have take a Tuk-Tuk.

You pay Rs 1500 for the entry ticket, which is controlled at the top (so no way to skip the ticket sales office, which you will find at the right when you are facing the entrance gate, it is not so easy to find). Provide good shoes, because there is a good 15 minutes walk to climb.

Stay in Dambulla or just go through dambulla?

You can stay in Dambulla or just cross it in your day. If, like us, you are not staying there, drop your backpack in a nearby restaurant. That’s also what we have done in Polonnaruwa and have never had any problems. Then you can take the bus to Kandy, there are buses regularly. The trip takes 2 hours (Rs 100).


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