
Our most useful Apps for traveling

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Here is a list of Apps which we find very useful when traveling! Kind of the toolbox of the backpacker 2.0… :)


Do you know that it is possible to download before your trip simplified versions of some TripAdvisor city guides, including the maps, so you can use them anytime during your trip, even when you are not connected to the Internet! This is ideal when looking for a nearby restaurant in a country where you do not have 3G :) There are more than 300 cities listed there (in December 2015).

Download the TripAdvisor App here.

App TripAdvisorApp TripAdvisorApp TripAdvisor


We can not do without this application that converts different currencies without internet connection. Simply choosing the different currencies that you want to convert. It is super simple and so useful!

Download the App XE here.

App Xe Convertor currencies travelApp Xe Convertor currencies travelApp Xe Convertor currencies travel


This application is super convenient to store articles, for example, those Wikitravel pages that are full of tips, blog posts or why not certain pages of our site ;) No need to print or carry bulky guidebooks .. . everything is in your “Pocket”.

Download Pocket App here.

App PocketApp PocketApp Pocket

Hostelworld / AIRBNB / BOOKING.COM / couchsurfing

All these sites offer Apps. Obviously, you can not book any bed, room, apartment or couch without an internet connection, but they are nevertheless very practical to select and book accommodation for your next destination quickly using your smartphone with the Wi-Fi from your hostel, rather than from the old computer of the hostel :)

Download the Hostelworld App  here.
Download the AirBNB App here.
Download the Booking.com App here.
Download the Couchsurfing App here.

App CouchsurfingApp HostelworldApp Airbnb


UPDATE: We tested this App during our trip to Marrakech and we LOVED it ! First of all, it is very easy to manage your money when you are sharing with other people, indicating who paid for what, for whom, in what currency. Then, the categorization system allows you to have more features such as statistics on your expenses (your total amount spent on shopping, food, housing…) !! It’s super user friendly and it will revolutionise for sure our future trips :)

Bye bye the complicated Excel calculation when we come back from our trips, the lost papers where you wrote down your expenses, the headache of converting into the right currencies and remembering who paid what :)

Download Travel Money here.

App Travel MoneyApp Travel MoneyApp Travel Money

Your turn, what are the apps you can not travel without ?


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  1. Matthieu Falempin /

    Merci, vos astuces sont super :)

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